Aug 28, 2023

Feeding the Metabolic Furnace

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Feeding the Metabolic Furnace

If you follow my Discord channel, you're probably aware of my three year long struggle to conceive my first child and what I had to do (step by step) to overcome this emotionally damaging struggle. Not three months into my regimen, I finally see the most exciting thing any couple trying to conceive anxiously anticipates; a positive preggo test!

About two weeks into my regimen, I became aware of something I hadn't noticed before. I was hungry! Like, really hungry! This was an unusual "symptom" for me and in retrospect, I know exactly why. During my three month regimen, I had to eat and I had to eat A LOT! I'm talking breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack and many different types of nutrient packed drinks in between. This kickstarted my metabolism into overdrive.

The idea of eating small, frequent meals throughout the day to improve metabolism is a concept commonly referred to as "grazing" or "eating mini-meals." This approach suggests that by eating smaller portions at regular intervals, you can keep your metabolism constantly active and prevent it from slowing down, leading to potential weight loss or better weight management.

There are many benefits to "grazing", beyond weight loss and weight management; including:

  • Prevent overeating: By having regular, smaller meals, you might be less likely to become overly hungry and overeat during main meals.
  • Stabilize blood sugar levels: Eating smaller portions throughout the day may help maintain more stable blood sugar levels, which could be beneficial for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance.
  • Increase energy expenditure: The thermic effect of food (TEF) refers to the energy required to digest, absorb, and process nutrients from the food we eat. Some believe that eating more frequently could lead to a slight increase in TEF, potentially boosting overall energy expenditure.
“A healthy combination of grazing and intermittent fasting can be a delicate balancing act. Find tips & trick right here at iJourney!”

Because of the sheer volume of food I consumed on days of the week where I had to "graze", I found myself welcoming the one day of the week that I gave my digestive system a break from solid foods; which typically fell on Wednesdays. Intermittently fasting once a week gave me time to clean the furnace! Which, in my opinion, is just as important as feeding it.

Ready to discover more tips you could put to use on your personal journey?

Subscribe now for access complete meal plans. You choose your goal and the iJourney network of supporters will help you get there! It's a good practice to consult with your healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet.

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Wednesday Journeys

Weekly updates on Wednesdays

It's Hump Day... we're half way to a break! On Wednesday, we let our digestive system rest. Today, we rely on community to get over the hump!

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